For the non-Americans out there… you do have to fill out a form and answer some questions:
a. Are you the actual transferee/buyer of all of the firearm(s) listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) (ATF Form 5300.9A)? Warning: You are not the actual transferee/buyer if you are acquiring any of the firearm(s) on behalf of another person. If you are not the actual transferee/buyer, the licensee cannot transfer any of the firearm(s) to you. Exception: If you are only picking up a repaired firearm(s) for another person, you are not required to answer 21.a. and may proceed to question 21.b.
b. Do you intend to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) in furtherance of any felony or other offense punishable by imprisonment for a term of more than one year, a Federal crime of terrorism, or a drug trafficking offense?
c. Are you under indictment or information in any court for a felony, or any other crime for which the judge could imprison you for more than one year, or are you a current member of the military who has been charged with violation(s) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and whose charge(s) have been referred to a general court-martial?
d. Have you ever been convicted in any court, including a military court, of a felony, or any other crime for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a shorter sentence including probation?
e. Are you a fugitive from justice?
f. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.
g. Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?
h. Have you ever been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions?
i. Are you subject to a court order, including a Military Protection Order issued by a military judge or magistrate, restraining you from harassing, stalking, or threatening your child or an intimate partner or child of such partner?
j. Have you ever been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, or are you or have you ever been a member of the military and been convicted of a crime that included, as an element, the use of force against a person as identified in the instructions?
k. Have you ever renounced your United States citizenship?
l. Are you an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States?
m.1. Are you an alien who has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa?
m.2. If you answered “Yes” to question 21.m.1, do you fall within any of the exceptions stated in the instructions?
n. Do you intend to sell or dispose of any firearm(s) listed on this form or any continuation sheet(s) to any person described in questions 21(b)-(l) or to a person described in question 21.m.1 who does not fall within a nonimmigrant alien exception?
This just weeds out the illiterate people.
Well “just some questions” isn’t particularly accurate either, that form gets submitted to the FBI, who runs an instant background check on you and makes sure you’re not a prohibited purchaser (felon, dishonorably discharged, IVC, too young), so it also weeds out those people.
Weed is illegal according to the form mhkay
What’s up with people expecting the government to issue a licenses for explicit constitutional rights?
Oy! Where’s your permit to peaceably assemble?
Hope you gotta a loisence for that news paper!
Let’s see some ID before you vote.
Oh you don’t want your home to be a barracks? Hope you paid the appropriate fees and filled out the forms.Pure liberalism.
Let’s see some ID before you vote
Wait, how does that work then ? Because here in France you have to show a “electoral card” to vote. It requires virtually zero effort to get though, and I assume it helps a lot with fraud
In America voter fraud is a myth. Gerrymandering and buying the blue and red candidates that will do what you want is much cheaper, easier, and perfectly legal. We do have to register to vote, but beyond that there is no other requirement for voting.
The push for voter ID is more for disenfranchisement under the guise of fraud prevention.
surprised all the HAHAs aren’t arranged in 'American flag.
but no really. we are fucked