Those benevolent Saudis, bless their hearts.
KSA knows that not having Ukrainians at that table makes it look retarded but when Russia and US making the shots, being right means nothing.
Ukraine will be getting gang banged by three nuclear powers now after they gave up their nukes haha
Nuclear non proliferation was such a joke. Ukrainians were idiots for falling for the trap.
This is what happens when a country is ran imbeciles that don’t understand geopoltiics and their countries role on the board… US is in FA stage now.
Come on Trump! Alienate the Saudis! You can do it!
Russia, Trump, and MBS all at a conference together. Jesus Christ.
I also especially like that little comment about “coincidences” being part of why Zelensky didn’t want to attend. Like that weird coincidence that happened to Jamal Khashoggi, presumably.
So they asked Putin twice.