Rated E for Everyone
Dead Hand fucked me up in 1998. I don’t think I’ve been quite right since.
The ones that suddenly jump on you and eat your face off are the ones that really got me.
The Gibdo.
The sounds they made unfortunately live rent free in my nightmares.
This monstrosity and the gibdo from OoT will forever haunt my nightmares.
what game is this
Ocarina of Time
deleted by creator
I think about this all the time.
Cremia and Romani’s failure state is so sad :’(
I think this was at the stage where K-A was no longer a thing. So all you had was E (3+) and T (13+).
Making this T would have been a bit much.
To piggyback on your point, I also think this came out when congress was balls deep fighting the music industry because those devil musicians like Eminem, Korn, Limp Bisquick were ruining the youth.
Not sure about ESRB, but for Europe, PEGI has revised their ratings since then.
3D Zeldas used to be rated 7, but nowadays they’re 12. Including remakes of old games. OoT and MM 3D had their rating raised.
Being 3D automatically bumps ratings up, even Mario Odyssey and 3D World got a 7 vs Wonder’s 3.
My girlfriend played this game several years ago for the 1st time, she does not watch horror movies, heck, she even thinks most anime looks terrifying for her, but she found the 3DS version of this game a masterpiece to a degree as labeling as her favorite Zelda game (I am unsure if she prefers it over BOTW and TOTK though).
Really? It’s a game.