“Behind the scenes, people at the Biden campaign and DNC are working to put in the fix,” warned one Biden delegate from Maryland.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    There is literally zero reason to do this…

    The DNC initially instituted plans for a virtual roll call following the enactment of an Ohio law that could have prevented the Democratic presidential candidate from being on the state’s November ballot if the nominee wasn’t chosen by August 7.

    But Ohio has since pushed back the deadline to September, rendering that justification moot.

    The American Prospect’s David Dayen wrote on social media Tuesday morning that he has heard from a source who said the DNC is still moving ahead with a virtual roll call because of supposed “ballot deadlines in Montana and California.”

    “This is nonsense, there are no such deadlines,” Dayen wrote. “They are using non-existent rationalizations to quick-strike Biden into place.”

    Huffman’s letter warns that “proceeding with the ‘virtual roll call’ in the absence of a valid legal rationale will be rightly perceived as a purely political maneuver, which we believe would be counterproductive and undermine party unity and cohesion.”

    Even if it’s still Biden, doing it this way just hurts Biden and even an eventual replacement if it still happens

    It’s just a terrible decision