I chased down some other sources for this. It’s a win in that area, but it seems like the supreme court needs to actually strike down the surgery requirement fully for it to be fully decided nationally. At least as best I can make of it. https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASS7B35CZS7BPTIL00GM.html?iref=pc_national_incident_list_n
Just makes you wonder how many people went through with it
The intersex community can relate.
So they give you free gender affirming surgery? And what surgery would someone need to be legally recognised as nonbinary?
Did you read the article? I don’t think it mentioned free surgery?
I think that’s what’s known as ‘sarcasm’.
Maybe, but I don’t get it.
It’s pointing out that denying that someone is the gender they say they are without surgery, and not offering them surgery, is dumb shit. Basically.