So I found out, Ogres are able to breach doors. Yes, I didn’t knew that… Fortunately, I had a dragon. I caught him and was preparing to build him a golden Chamber. He now roams free again. I lost all but two survivors. Wish them luck.
aka. The Massacre of Kinsack.
Some migrants came to visit. The bad news hadn’t spread yet. Together they tried to slay the seriously injured dragon. They all died.
I’ve never gotten a dragon to visit my fort. Is there a way to make one come ?
Well trust me when I say that I know dragons and I’m pretty sure they’ll show up if you have a ton of gold stuff.
I had a ton of gold stuff : |
Time to build fort knox
Yeah! With secret tunnels, bridges and water around! Now I got a plan for the next game :D
So sad you can’t play df in multiplayer
But that’s illegal!
The trolls ate the sheriff first xD