• retrospectology@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Completely undermining the idea of any kind of rules based order in defense of a far-right fascist. Incredible.

    The Israelis have got to have some kind of kompromat on Biden, it makes no sense otherwise. It has to be something bad enough that he’s willing to flush any remaining shred of US legitimacy down to drain to save his skin.

    • There was a video going around a bit ago of one of the presidents or prime ministers, saying in an interview on TV (in Israel) that - basically - Israel has so much money flowing into US politician’s campaigns, and so much money being invested in lobbying in the US, that no US politician is ever going to vote against Israeli interests.

      Someone else posted how many millions have been given to each campaign by Israeli special interest groups.

      They are all beholden to Israel. This is what happens when you have rulings like Citizens United, and allow foreign money to flow into the coffers of American politicians. Look at the posture on Russia/Ukraine and you can estimate pretty well which party Russia has been bribing.

      And, yes: it’s bribing. It’s spending money to buy political influence, and whether it’s done by domestic groups or foreign interests, it’s bribery; it’s just legal bribery. And politicians who turn down that money lose elections.

      I want Biden to win. I think he has been a decent president, all things considered - not perfect, but he’s done all right on a lot of things, and he’s dramatically better for the US than Trump. But he’s beholden to Israel, like Trump, and like most of Congress.

      How many representatives have been arguing cutting funding to Israel? How many have been publicly arguing in defense of Palestine?

      Israel doesn’t need to have dirt on Biden. All they need to do is threaten to throw all their weight behind Trump. This would guarantee a Biden loss, and Biden knows it.

      • retrospectology@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        They’re not all paid off, but a lot are, yes. This is why we see AIPAC explicitly targeting the re-election campaigns of progressives like AOC, Jamaal Bowman, Summer Lee etc.

        This was not the case a few decades ago, people are becoming more awake to how much damage the Israel lobby has been doing to our institutions. There are more people speaking out against Israeli apartheid now than there pretty much ever has been, people need to keep the pressure. The fact that they’re being pushed out into the open, dumping millions in opposition to people who then still win (like Summer Lee) is a sign of a shift. This genocide has been disastorous for Israel and really marks a turning point I think.

        So I personally don’t see things in such a hopeless light, but voters do need to become more saavy about investigating the finances of candidates before they vote for them in the primaries.

        A great tool for this is opensecrets.org where you can look up candudates and identify where their donations are coming from.

        Israel doesn’t need to have dirt on Biden. All they need to do is threaten to throw all their weight behind Trump. This would guarantee a Biden loss, and Biden knows it.

        Not strictly true. The NRA used to be like AIPAC where it tried to play bothsides, eventually the DNC banned its members grom taking NRA money, we can work towards the same fate for AIPAC, the cracks are showing.

        • much damage the Israel lobby has been doing to our institutions

          Lobbies, full stop. Not just Israel lobbies. They’re a pox on our government that we will never be rid of. The 2A lobbies are just as damaging, for instance.

          DNC banned its members grom taking NRA money

          Hmmm. It’s money that needs to be made up, and considering just how awful and out of touch with the majority of the population the RNC has become, it’s one of the reasons why they continue to be successful in the ground, and in e.g. gerrymandering efforts.