• DebatableRaccoon
        71 month ago

        Not to mention generally shitty business practices and eve more arbitrary regional locking than you might think. I was living in a non-English speaking country back when I was willing to pay for Netflix and I tried watching an anime only to find I couldn’t get the English dub. I contacted support and their answer was “You don’t live in an English-speaking region so it doesn’t make sense for you to have access to it 🤷🏻‍♂️”. I stopped paying on the spot.

  • u/lukmly013 💾 (lemmy.sdf.org)
    201 month ago

    Hmm, I just realized I paid more per envelope than per blank DVD.

    Well, I was just thinking that I’d rather give them out for free, or the price of DVD + Case. So I thought I could save on cases by putting them in envelopes, but then I realized I paid 10¢ per SL DVD of which I have like 50 left and 23¢ per C5 envelope.
    Kinda wild.

    Although they are fairly low quality.