• @klangcola@reddthat.com
    711 months ago

    Op article is from 2020.

    This Microsoft article https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/what-is-maui is dated 30 January 2023 and still uses the MAUI brand name, so Microsoft have not fixed their mistake

    This should be a slam dunk case of copyright infringement for the original Maui project. Isn’t this the sort of thing EFF (EFFE?) should be fighting in the courts on behalf of small open source projects?

    • @klangcola@reddthat.com
      411 months ago

      From the article (from original Maui’s response):

      a UI framework that as of today is still the first result in Google when searching for the term “Maui UI framework” but that due to the might of GitHub (another Microsoft subsidiary) and Microsoft own website (specifically, their blog) SEO that will change over time.

      Exactly this has happened. On both Google and DuckDuckGo (partially Bing?) all the top results are Microsoft Maui, you have to scroll down for original Maui