TL;DR: Antec is going to be selling a Steam Deck competitive device, based on the Ayaneo Slide. The device has a slide up screen that reveals a keyboard, which is good because using desktop windows is much easier with a keyboard. However the device’s lowest estimated power draw at low/no load is 15w, meaning it will use comparable power to the deck running at max power. This means the battery life will probably be pretty rough when compared to the Deck. It will also likely have a much higher price point.

  • xcjs
    11 month ago

    You also lose integer scaling if you need to run a game at common resolutions below 1080p. (720p/800p, etc.)

      • xcjs
        21 month ago

        Yeah - the operating system (or perhaps the display hardware itself, not sure) has to stretch each software pixel to a fractional amount of larger hardware pixels. In the case of upscaling 720p to 1080p, each 720p software pixel has to stretch to 1.33 hardware pixels. This forces blending to occur, which makes the image less sharp.

        The worst part of this in my opinion is reading text.