‘The Third Lane’ (2011)

I have the DVD case but not the disc, and I’m sure I remember watching it years ago. But I cannot find anything about it online, and no-one I ask has heard of it.

It was a comedy, and I think the plot was basically some guys on a roadtrip, but they accidently kill some hobo who was hitchhiking, and hilarity presumably ensues.

Can someone please tell me they know or have this movie?

It looks like the back cover of the DVD has been torn out, so possibly it is just a long-forgotten prank, and I just imagined watching it??

  • GraniteM@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    It looks like a fake DVD cover someone photoshopped together as a gag gift, like you open it up and the case is filled with edibles or something.

    If it’s real, then you’ve got to give us a better picture of the text so we can look up some of the names.