Almost 90 bombs were dropped in one region in just 24 hours.

Russia unleashed an unprecedented bombardment in southern Ukraine overnight in what local officials described as a “massive attack” in the conflict which has continued to rage even as the international community’s attention has moved to the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The Ukrainian Internal Affairs Ministry on Monday morning said Russia dropped at least “87 aerial bombs on populated areas of the Kherson region - the largest number for all time.” At least eight people were also injured in other Russian strikes carried out in the Odessa region further to the west on Sunday night.

    628 months ago

    Fuck Putin, the warmongering cunt. I hope Ukraine continues to get Western support and can kick Russia out of their country, however slim the chances might be looking right now. Russia extending its influence and things gradually going back to business as usual, only for them to do it again in another 10 years won’t be good for any Western democracies.

    Haven’t really been following the Israel/Palestine thing much to be honest, but it would be nice if people would stop killing one another. Also really sucks that it benefits Putin.

    • @wandermind
      198 months ago

      I truly feel like if we let Russia get anything that might count as a positive for them from this war, there will definitely be a new war of at least similar scale, but probably significantly worse and significantly less contained.

        228 months ago

        We let Hitler take shit and it didn’t end well, the repurcussions of that are at war today.

        8 months ago

        Russia wants to keep unobstructed access to the Black Sea, for its freight and military ships.

        The EU and China want to keep a railroad from China to the EU, through Kazakhstan and Ukraine or Belarus, to cut in half the time freight ships take.

        Both need control over the same piece(s) of land.

        For reference:

        • @wandermind
          28 months ago

          Russia already has access to the Black Sea even without any Ukrainian land.

            28 months ago

            Russia has access to the Black Sea through the Sea of Azov, which is controlled by whoever controls Crimea… and to maintain control over Crimea, Russia needs supply lines over a land access at least across the Donbass, not just through a bridge that can be bombed at any time, as it has been already.

            Both the Donbass and Crimea, Ukraine considers to be Ukrainian land, even though the history of both areas is plagued by forced resettlements during the USSR times.

            Additionally, there are natural resources, some ports, and a nuclear plant in the Donbass area, which Russia would happily take over.

            • @wandermind
              28 months ago

              Russia has a long stretch of Black Sea coast outside of the Sea of Azov. They don’t need any more land to use that.

                8 months ago

                Please look again at the map for the Unified Deep Water System.

                This isn’t about having a port on the Black Sea, it’s about having ships from ports in inland Russia getting unobstructed waterway access to the Black Sea, from where they can go to the Mediterranean and beyond.

                • @wandermind
                  18 months ago

                  Then it looks like they need to change their strategy.

                    8 months ago

                    At this point, they don’t have many options, since their economy is based around using the waterways as main transport routes.

                    Keep in mind Russia can have a container ship delivered from China right to Moscow, and viceversa.

                    Russia’s best bet (around 2000-2010), was to befriend the EU, while getting rid of all their internal corruption, and start treating ex-USSR republics as proper states instead of relying on forcing puppet governments in them. Especially in Ukraine, they shouldn’t have burned their puppet government in 2014 by making it accept a worse deal than what the EU was offering, definitely not before at least having the country split in half and Crimea+Donbass secured as separate puppet countries.

                    By uniting Ukraine, then making an enemy out of the EU, while still allowing a ton of internal corruption, Putin has screwed Russia royally.

                    Russia’s only options right now are to either:

                    • Roll over and ask the EU, Ukraine and NATO to pretty please forgive them… which Putin would not survive (best case scenario, he’d stand before the Hague tribunal, if he got to live that long)
                    • Dig an even deeper hole for themselves until they go full nuclear… which Russia as a country would not survive (but maybe Putin could, in a good bunker)
                    • Have a civil war… which Putin might be able to flee, while whoever ended up on top could roll over and ask the EU, Ukraine and NATO to forgive them pretty please.


                    • Spend some bucks on Iran to support Hamas going full berserk in Gaza in an attempt to shift US attention from Ukraine… (which already had Republicans ask to reduce military aid for Ukraine while increasing it for Israel)… and hope to secure some more of Donbass before those F16 make it basically impossible for Russia to do anything. Then push for an armistice with the new borders.

                    But it’s kind of impossible for Ukraine to willingly agree to that, highly unlikely for the EU to lift its sanctions just because, and NATO would still rather have Russia disappear as a threat completely.

                    The EU might agree if it included guaranteeing a safe tax-free railway corridor to China, which would on one hand still hurt Russia, but on the other they could also benefit from a railway connection to China, even if it isn’t that much better than having container ships go from China right to Moscow.

      128 months ago

      The chances aren’t as slim as many people seem to imagine. Putin is basically in a holding pattern for now. He’s holding out on the chance that Trump might win a second term, thus changing everything about the current dynamic. If Trump doesn’t win, Putin is probably in pretty big trouble since he almost certainly won’t survive a defeat in Ukraine and will be hard-pressed to find a good exit that doesn’t look like one.

      38 months ago

      It is sad to see Putin’s oligarchs “honorable buisnessmen”, while everyone else should cross border naked and without phones or laptops. If they were lucky enough to get visa in the first place.

      in another 10 years won’t be good for any Western democracies.

      Another 10 years of Putin won’t be good for any democracy. Fuck Putin.

      -48 months ago

      Putin the war monger? Bro, Biden is literally funding genocide. The west calling Putin a warmonger is insanely hypocritical. It’s not Russia that is responsible for most of the violence in the middle east in the 21st century, America is.

      • Lols [they/them]
        8 months ago

        is this ‘the west’ in the room with us

        does he have a blog perhaps, id love to read his takes

          08 months ago

          “The West” means America’s zone of influence. Otherwise known as Europe, NA, and parts of other continents. Why are you questioning the definition of a word? It’s just what the term means.

          • Lols [they/them]
            18 months ago

            i figured you mustve meant an actual specific person, since disagreeing with something doesnt suddenly make you a hypocrite if some guy you have nothing to do with in the same ~1 billion people group you were born into also does it

            is it actually hypocrisy that youre using a wrong definition for, then?

              18 months ago

              Every American that gives a shit about Russias actions and is not very loudly against American imperialism, even though their own country regularly does far worse wars in the middle east, and is currently funding a genocide, is a hypocrite. Even if Russia were somehow worse than America, despite committing far fewer war crimes and crimes against humanity, Americans who care about Russia need to STFU. When you have a problem in your own home, you fix it, you don’t go around criticizing others. Americans need to fix our imperialism problem.