• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Ubuntu has long suffered from NIH syndrome, constantly inventing its own non-standard components (snaps, Unity, etc) and trying to make them “win” by forcing them on their own users. Reminds me of Microsoft with its non-standard Internet Explorer, its own non-standard version of Java and others.

    The lesson is to use a Community distro, not a Corporate distro. When the distro’s goals align with its community’s, even a distro based on Ubuntu will usually be better than straight Ubuntu. For example Mint keeps the good things about Ubuntu (in Mint’s opinion of course), removes the bad things like Snaps, and adds other features that the community wants that Ubuntu won’t (like built-in Flatpak support among other things).

  • It’s irritating how these articles always choose such misleading clickbait headlines.

    • First, a governor does not “pass laws”. The legislature does that. Then the governor can veto, sign, or do neither–in which case it passes by default. Our (KS) governor is a Democrat and has vetoed so many anti-LGBTQ+ and abortion restriction bills I’ve lost count. Unfortunately, the supermajority republican legislature has managed to override a bunch of her vetoes.

    • The other bill, the “ID required to view porn” bill is making the rounds through most red states. It’s not specifically about “acts of homosexuality”–that is one item in the list of what is considered “sexual content” in the bill. She did not sign that bill, but it will pass because she didn’t veto it either. It’ll be interesting to see (here and in the other states that passed this) what kind of “feedback” these legislators hear from their constituents who can no longer view their porn anonymously–or at all, if the sites stop operating in these states.

  • Just like Debian which it is based on, you can get AntiX in either 64 or 32 bit, whichever you need for your processor. It’s a very good lightweight distro. I’d recommend it, as well as Crunchbang++ for something like this. (edit to add that Crunchbang++ uses Openbox window manager, very lightweight but easy to use–something to consider for whichever distro you decide on).

  • Personally I hope they never do, though it does look likely. Like many pre-November '22 old-time Mastodon et.al. fedizens, I came to the fediverse specifically because I didn’t want to have anything with FB/Meta/Twitter or the other commercial, “engagement”-based, enshittified social media.

    It feels like the fediverse is being gentrified, with half of it eagerly welcoming their new overlords (why don’t they just join Threads?) and the other half resisting. The half that doesn’t federate with Meta will move on, like people priced out of their own neighborhoods by gentrification, and become the new “real fediverse” where people can go to live free from corporate interference.

  • I don’t consider being on Threads as being “on the fediverse”. My definition of the fediverse is servers that follow the Activity Pub protocol to interact with each other. You might disagree with that definition, but Threads only lets us “follow” (view-only) certain of their accounts (only about 2000 out of millions) from Mastodon. Those accounts do not see any replies to their post from the fediverse, or any fediverse posts at all for that matter–we are invisible to them. So no, he’s not “on the fediverse”, he’s on Threads. I doubt he knows the fediverse even exists.