If english is not your first language you might want to check out the definition of that word.
If english is not your first language you might want to check out the definition of that word.
You said it yourself: given
You should seek professional help.
They do it only to people they hate.
It’s quantum stuff, I could do that, or I could not do that…
Says the pro russian
Serotonin or dopamine? How does serotonin hit? I thought serotonin was a sleep regulating thing?
“Be nice to eachother” is good.
The idea itself is, IMO, wrong. That’s why the rule is just bad. I won’t do onto you what I want you to do onto me. Obviously if you think about it. There is no magic hidden idea inside it, it just sounds good if you don’t think about it.
I couldn’t care less who invented it but yes I know it wasn’t jesus or santa claus lol.
Yes, “smart” here is like “turbo” for electric power tools whete it shows they are weak so they try to swope that under the rug with a cheap selling technique.
Well theoretically at least you could tax the shit out of rich people even if they “flee” the country. Here in France it’s always “no lo no we can’t tax the rich because then they’ll leave!!”
The only people really thinking it’s “the most rewarding thing” are narcissistic psycopaths.
“I didn’t lose!!! It’s eh the others that are cheating…”
Oh it’s surely calculated into the outcome already!
If we invest massively, then they will win and we’ll reap benefits.
Classic: insults, go read a book/video, you weren’t in the trenches, it’s just propaganda …
I wonder what they are getting out of it.
FYI: 169$ Aliexpress
Seems nice but have only 1 RAM slot.
And some sort of “no one wants to work any more”.
I know young brilliant people, maybe they have to be paid correctly?
Wow that’s a wild ride!
Yeah leave him, he’s just spewing kremlin propaganda.