Lol imagine thinking the reason education is failing is because not enough grammar Nazis are online lol
No wonder y’all are 1/4 illiterate.
Lol imagine thinking the reason education is failing is because not enough grammar Nazis are online lol
No wonder y’all are 1/4 illiterate.
No. Because a) you don’t have to and b) no one is paying you
Because for some people those are features.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
What murderer? He fell on lead because he was high on prescription drugs.
Why are all the pictures they release of the guy just black blocks?
Agree with you 100%.
This sounds like a coca plant with extra steps.
Some strong “concept of a plan” energy you have there.
So you’re saying pass on the cost to the individual? You know it’s not a one-and-done kind of deal, right? Someone has to maintain the service.
How is essentially exploiting someone’s passion as free labor any better? Is it okay because it’s your family member working for free? Is his knowledge and time not worth anything to you?
How does “here” pay the bills?
Bruh. Bots running crazy on this site.
So like the 10 commandments but for aliens?
Yeah. Don’t be a prejudiced asshole and see your friend for who they are. Being a cop is something they do, not something they are. Don’t let hate infect you just because it’s on your own side of the line.
Is reading too hard for you? Do you need them to hand hold your clicks? Wtf
Yeah. That’s how elections work lmao
Lol typical cancer
He won bro. He’s president of the ENTIRE COUNTRY it doe at matter how you cope.
Why are we telling consenting adults whether or not they can fuck other consenting adults?