• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2023


  • You can’t represent multiple companies simultaneously, you should look up feduciary responsibilities.

    And the law doesn’t always reflect reality.

    Just admit you’re lazy and/or couldn’t find a source supporting your insane claims. The 1st step to improving as a person is to take responsibilities for your actions.

    With you? Nah. It’s not worth the effort. Next time try to be honest about what I an saying and maybe I’ll put in the effort.

  • I’m glad you finally concede a CEO is not always representing their company.

    That is not what I said. If you want to have honest discussion, this is not the way to do it.

    Bad people do bad things is a perfect summary of your dodge of the question.

    That is not my argument.

    Your article had accusations but no evidence, those accusations were Trump has done some racists things. That’s a far leap from Trump is a white nationalists.

    I’m putting in the same level of effort as you. Do you want better sources? Then quit being dishonest about what I am saying, and quit the insults. Until then I’m not going to bother putting in effort to cite the evidence just for you to play childish games.

    Still waiting for what rights your fighting for.

    I already explained this, just for you to strawman it.

  • Since you believe a CEO is always representing their company, then a person couldn’t be a CEO of multiple companies but they are, companies would be legally liable for all actions of their CEO but they are not.

    A person can represent multiple companies. And the law is the law, it is often not a reflection reality.

    You really need to work on understanding logical fallacies, you lose all credibility when you use them incorrectly.

    You portrayed my argument as “Bad people do bad”, an intentionally weak and inaccurate version of my argument. That’s by definition a strawman.

    “A straw man fallacy (sometimes written as strawman) is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion”

    The only real difference here is that you portrayed my argument to be so weak that it was implied to be inherently wrong. But at the end of the day you were using a strawman.

    If anyone here has lost credibility it is you for using fallacies, and then lying about it.

    An opnion piece that doesn’t mention white nantionalists in the whole article is not evidence that Trump is a white nantionalists. Do you even read the articles you cite.

    Evidently the concept of synonyms is beyond your understanding. That, and the spelling of “nationalist”.

    You’re also fundamentally missing the point. The article is talking about the -ism, not the specifics which would be the -ists.

  • He has a weird fascination with white nationalist and calls a random people white nationalist.

    Given that neo nazis are publicly and openly marching in the streets, I wouldn’t call it a weird fascination. It’s a legitimate concern for anybody who cares about their rights, the rights of others, or democracy.

    When ask for proof, he just babbles and claims you’re moving the goal post.

    When you ask for proof you ignore the proof and move on to the next thing. You always get that treatment because that’s always what you do.

    Garbage in, garbage out. If you wanted to have honest discussion, you need to be honest. But you’re not, so it’s what you get.

  • I don’t see any evidence in your source that soul cycle was involved in the fundraiser.

    Then you don’t have the reading comprehension needed. So I’ll spell it out for you. Their CEO (the person who runs and represents the company, whom they have ties to) ran a Trump fundraiser, which necessarily connects the two.

    It this your way of saying you support black nationalists, chinese nationalists, Jewish nationalists…?

    No, of course not. Nationalism, especially racially based nationalism is always bad. But none of those other forms are currently a problem.

    This is like having a building on fire, and then complaining that firefighters aren’t putting out the fire the homeless started in a barrel. Your concerns are beyond misplaced. You don’t care about the truth, all you’re doing is finding some bullshit loaded question.

    You somehow forgot to mention which rights you were fighting for by boycotting soul cycle.

    I already explained this.

    If you don’t already have a good understanding of what rights neo nazis/white nationalists are seeking to remove, then you’re either incapable of understanding, intentionally ignorant, or in support of their removal.