• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • The history is filled with fabricated sexual assaults. Kavanaugh, Justin Bieber, Justin Roiland, Andy Signore, and the list goes on. They all get completely destroyed before the evidence shows in the dumb court of “public opinion”, and then they get absolved of the charges because guess what… women lie, like everyone else. Humans lie. So, we have “innocent until proven guilty” and “due process”. That, or nothing. Shut your mouth and don’t make shit up. I hope this happens to you and you get destroyed and lose everything until the evidence shows you’re innocent and then no one gives a shit. Maybe then you’ll learn, you evil little piece of shit.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    1 year ago

    You’re brainwashed and dumb. I don’t care what you think. You believe all the nonsense you want, just stay away from us, the people who understand power-grab and how it works. You fuck up your countries as much as you want, and again, stay away from us, and we’ll be laughing when you have no more food.

    The moment you use violence, we will too. No more “discussion”. Fuck that. I’m done pretending people like you aren’t retarded. I encourage everyone to treat those retards like this.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    1 year ago

    You’re already sharing violence, by threatening people who would defend themselves from aggressors.

    Given this level of stupidity that I interpret as “you’re not tolerant because you don’t tolerate my intolerance”, I guess we reached an impasse. And I’m not speaking just for this post, but in real cases where real violence is involved. You mind your own business, and I’ll mind mine, and that’s how peace is maintained. I have zero sympathy for anyone attempting violence then getting killed.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    1 year ago

    In my opinion, you said a very stupid thing and I don’t care about your opinion. I’m done discussing dumb climate change nonsense. So, as long as you’re not using violence, I don’t give a shit what you think as you’re free to think all the stupid things you want, otherwise, I’ll share the violence you’re causing with you.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    1 year ago

    I disagree with you, and I think if we stop using oil hundreds of millions will starve in days.

    Do I care what you think? No, I don’t give two shits about your opinion on climate change. I’m done discussing it. However, you’re free to have all the stupid opinions you want. Just don’t use violence because you don’t have a monopoly on it, we all can do it.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    1 year ago

    If you think blowing up a pipeline is a good thing because it feels like you’re saving the world, can I blow your head with a gun because I think that without oil people will starve?

    See, when you want to use violence, I assure you that you won’t win, especially the simps that support violence for climate nonsense don’t know how to fire a pistol. Let’s be civilized and avoid violence and aggression.

    Maybe you should learn how to convince people with your ideas, regardless of how stupid, ridiculous, immoral, uneducated and propagandized they are.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    1 year ago

    I do understand that you all come from an assembly line, but guess what, I’m not like you. I’m an individualist. That’s why I’m having a better life while you spend more and more of your little pay while the government steps on you because you don’t matter. I have a brain to use that wasn’t washed in believing that the shitty life you’re living is great, just because the homeless get monthly money for beer.

    And that stupidity of not understanding stealing from public… big ooof… dude, your brainwashing is so strong. I can see why you’d call any fact I say “gaslighting”.

    Cheap bot, yet it’s good enough to keep you on your toes… hahahahahahaha!

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    1 year ago

    Hahahahahaha… you’re amazing! You’re so brainwashed to the point you’d rather believe I’m a bot than micro-challenge your view of reality. Dude, that’s a new level of pathetic.

    And FYI, I make high 6 figures in USD, so kiss it. You think I would stay in research in Germany accepting money stolen from the population? I’m a man of principle, and you’re a clown.

    Never forget. I’m watching and laughing as you fall.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    1 year ago

    Oh, yeah. It’s not the truth that your standard of living is shit now and going down by the day. It’s all lies… you know. I’m making it all up. I should’ve made fun of you when you sent the Lebowski meme and ended the conversation, because that was when you realized that everything I said is truthful and called me an asshole. But here I am I learned my lesson. When an ignorant pleb calls you an asshole, it basically means they don’t have a logical answer and it’s the best concession I’ll ever get. So, you go enjoy your dumb socialistic dream, and I’ll enjoy my “childish anarchism”, aka, capitalism, where I practice personal responsibility and reap the fruits of my labor and create a better life for my family and community. Just remember that the more you fall, the more I’ll be watching and laughing. Your electricity is 0.5 Euro/kWh, and it was 0.3 when I left. And it’ll just keep going up, and I’ll just be laughing. When I see you cry on social media, I will only laugh more and say that you deserve worse, because I’m always right, and I will always be right, and that’s why my standard of living is better than yours. Have fun licking the boot while convincing yourself that giving the homeless drink money is how societies prosper. Heh. Ciao!

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    1 year ago

    Dude, your arrogance is another level. Of course you won’t believe me, because that will shatter your whole belief system… “how could someone really smart believe all the things I disagree with?”… it’s much easier for you to not believe that. Don’t worry. I understand. Whatever makes you happy!

    “Apocalypse”… says the guy living in the crashing economy where his heart could blow up before he gets a doctor’s appointment, while my principles work in a capitalist country where I go to a doctor whenever I want and don’t even pay that much. You really need a reality check on your arrogance and brainwashing. Learn how to end a conversation without being smug. It’s unfortunate that I wasted my time with you and you learned absolutely nothing, not even that your health care sucks that you should be a little humble. Wow. Go have a good life and stop trying to convince me what they brainwashed you with. Just end it.