Danke, das stimmt in der Tat. Lasse mein Kommentar mal so stehen sonst fehlt der Zusammenhang, aber füge ein Edit hinzu.
Danke, das stimmt in der Tat. Lasse mein Kommentar mal so stehen sonst fehlt der Zusammenhang, aber füge ein Edit hinzu.
Edit: Siehe Kommentar von dubak dazu. Die spezifische Kritik am Bericht war falsch.
Naja, der Bericht ist von 2018 und redet davon, dass die “World Health Organization in 2011 to classify cell-phone radiation as a “possible” human carcinogen”. Aber wenn man sich hier einen Artikel der WHO aus dem Jahr 2014 ansieht [1], steht da, dass es nicht die WHO war, sondern die International Agency for Research on Cancer. Und wenn man sich heute bei dieser Agency umschaut, gibt es einen Artikel aus diesem Jahr [2] über eine Studie dieser Agentur und da kommt man zu dem Schluss:
The latest findings of this prospective cohort study indicate that people with the most total hours of mobile phone calls do not have a higher risk of developing a brain tumour compared with light users of mobile phones
Will it fix the crunchy sound the grass makes? :D
Thank you :)
Is there any backtracking to the bosses or are you straight in again?
Hast jemand ein gutes Rezept? :)
I really hope the puzzles are less shit and distracting than in the first one. Lost all interest because of them.
Unskippable cutscenes in Boss fights is such a middle finger to gamers.
Have a look for Makerspace/Hackerspace. I’m sure there are some in London and they probably have a 3D printer.
Here is a good video explaining it
The Jeff Bezos rowing boat video is a goddamn masterpiece. The amount of effort put into such an absurd project plus his entire side quest about baldness is just art!
In two years they can get the award for “best ongoing game” then, just like Cyberpunk :D
Yes, indie is short for independent but the meaning of “indie” game isn’t as clear cut anymore (was it ever?). As you can see with Dave the Diver.
I watched it at movie festival a month or so ago and I very much enjoyed it.
I had not seen any of the other movies by the director so I didn’t have any expectations whatsoever.
Emma Stone did an amazing job.
That’s fair. Might actually be a good category.
Friends Per Second podcast had an interesting discussion around it. The term Indie isn’t well defined. Maybe never was. Most people probably see DtD as indie even though it had a publisher. A new category could be “independent” which actually has games that were published independently.
I think we might have different expectations here. I think if a company sells a broken game, they should fix it without praise. The consumers paid for it. Specially should they not get an award for that. There should be a category for “most stable release” instead.
Cyberpunk winning best ongoing game is such a joke. Yes, I enjoyed the DLC but if any game with DLC and updates can be part of that category then that category has no meaning at all.
Hell yeah, the first one came out around the time when indie games started to take off. Braid, Limbo, World of Goo, Super Meat Boy.
Same here. I thought it was going to be mediocre at best. Still not interested but happy for the people who like such games.