This plant caused the French company who helped building it, to go bankrupt. Gen 3 nuclear plants looks very expensive to build then. However these kind of plants do not produce any side-product which is good for producing bombs or other radioactive weapon. They have no military support then (and maybe neither government?), compared to gen 2.
Incredibly expensive (estimated 11 billion €) and years delayed (18 year construction; testing began in 2021). Yet brings down electricity prices by 75 %.
How does that make sense? It can’t make economic sense to the constructor and operator.
Maybe you could say French companies and citizens essentially subsidized Finland through contracted building at a huge loss?
Now that it’s built better operate it and gain something out of it?
Its LCOE would probably let us forget it forever. Just think about this: I bet you hear more rumors about non-existant fusion nuclear plants than about olkilioto. Let’s focus on renewables.