My wife wanted to order a spice rack for our kitchen that fit in the cabinet. Our current setup was just a mess so she found one on Amazon and called to me to get the tape measure out in the garage. I yelled back…grab the tailor’s tape in the junk drawer. Sure enough it was sitting between the set of random keys, a new bag of neon fish bait and an assortment of 9 volt batteries.

So…whatdaya got in yer junk drawer?

  • ArgentCorvid [Iowa]
    1 year ago

    Let’s see…

    Tailors tape, regular tape measure, a couple pairs of scissors, single knitting needle, kitchen knives that got wrapped up when we moved 5 years ago and haven’t been used since. A couple stacks of Culver’s scoopie tokens and free scoops, a couple partial stacks of post-its, Casey’s pizza box tabs that the don’t accept any more, a couple knife sharpeners, bag clips, corn cob holders, screwdrivers, lighters, birthday cake candles…